Friday 24 December 2010

Oh you better watch out, you better not cry...

Happy Christmas Eve bloggers! My gosh this week has gone quick! This might be because I haven't stopped between working and helping my mum out with the last minute shopping. The extra snow we had this week didn't help speed things along either to be honest. I think everyone will think twice about wishing for a white Christmas next year. Things are slowly returning to normal though as we in the Welsh valleys actually got post today (which included an ordered Christmas present, only waiting on 4 more now Royal Mail!) Anyways no point in complaining now; it's done and it's Christmas tomorrow, woo! 

I'm loving that the online festive sales have started early this year, not really found anything wow as of yet though! Any of you found any hidden treasures in the sales this season? On the topic of sales; early online sales I approve of, staying in work until 1:40am to set out the River Island sale for today I'm not too keen on! I woke up seriously exhausted today and then had to work a longgg shift which consisted of picking garments off the floor and trying to tidy the madness, huge fail! At least I got tomorrow to relax and enjoy myself before having to do it all again on Sunday. Really rethinking my chosen career in retail after my first experience of the Christmas period!

I just finished off wrapping my last present before writing this and feeling super excited for tomorrow now! Do you think that my compulsive wrapping disorder is relatively normal or am I just trying to make myself feel better?ha. I showered after work this evening and came back into my room to find that Santa had brought me an early present of new bedding and pj's! EEK excited for tomorrow, I'm such a child! I'm off to snuggle up and try to sleep now so I hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow and will see you on Sunday where I will try my best to fit in a present post to fill you in on what was exchanged! Christmas wishes!


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